Join us the 4th Tuesday of the month. We meet at 7pm in the museum. Because we are all getting older, we don’t meet in December, January and February; too much chance of snow storms and too darn cold. Meetings resumed in March 2024. .
Wednesdays – usually someone at the museum, 11:00am – 3:00pm but by chance only. For an appointment you may call 519, 449, 2831, ask for Judy. SUMMER hours– we try to have a volunteer at the museum from 1pm to 4pm every Sunday and Wednesday during the summer.
The calendar for 2024 is Horses of Burford Township; available at the museum or from one of our members. Horses made the township (along with the hard work and tears of those who came before us). Twelve pages of horses, plus important dates for the township. Be sure to pick up one for every member of the family. $10 for one, two for $20. All images are from Burford Township, with the exception of one, and that one has a close connection to Burford Township.
Stay tuned for the special event planned for 2025. In 2000 Harley Central School created a time capsule to be opened in 25 years, so plans are in the works for a special day. In the meantime, we will still be doing regular events.
The Historical Society provided a bursary this year to a student about to pursue post-secondary studies in history or agriculture.
>Our bursary was awarded to Katelyn, a second year student in the Registered Veterinary Technician program at Ridgetown, intending to specialize in large animal practice. Katelyn was at our July meeting to receive her bursary.
The museum has a lot of history as it relates to Burford Township. Peruse our scrapbooks and Tweedsmuir binders. Read Mel Robertson’s histories. Tell us your memories of living here.
Drop in to Kristi’s Market Kitchen next door and grab a bite to eat, pick up some cheese, get some of her delicious muffins (closed Sunday and Monday).
Decoration Day for Holy Trinity Church Graveyard is the 4th Sunday in June.
Decoration Day for Harley Cemetery, as well as Burford Pioneer & Congregational is the 2nd Sunday in August.
Northfield Cemetery is the 3rd Sunday in August.
Oakland & Scotland, 1st Sunday in September.
BTHS is now on Twitter! Follow us: HistoricalSociety@BTHS (There have been difficulties with “X” and we are trying to re-establish the link.
Check out the Digital Historical Collection site forthe archives and photos from the Museum that are online.
Thank you for visiting the official website. The historical society was formed in 1986, and is an affiliate member of the Ontario Historical Society and the Ontario Museums Association
BTHS is an agricultural museum. Over the years the residents of Burford Township have gathered up and donated artefacts to the museum. We are bringing artefacts back onto public view. We have the data base programme from the Ontario Museums Association, and will be creating a searchable database for visitors. However, this may take a while to complete — a long while…..
The museum has only volunteers – we have no paid staff. Some of the volunteers try to get there on Tuesdays, usually about 1000am to 200pm, drop in by chance. But if the weather is bad, we won’t be there. You may also contact a member, or check out the contact us page.
We are now listed on the Ontario Museums Association site: